This Entrepreneur Harnessed The Power Of Digital Marketing And Advertising Techniques To Reach The Top
This knowledge inspired Douglas to empower
budding entrepreneurs on how to acquire, close and retain amazing clients, so
they can finally experience the lives of their dreams.
Douglas decided he wanted to help others to
succeed during his time in the Navy. In early 2015, he was deployed on a
humanitarian mission that allowed him to assist some of the most impoverished
communities in the world.
It was then and there that Douglas knew he
wanted to live his life with great purpose and do everything he can to raise
others up.
After returning home, Douglas launched his
career as an entrepreneur and immediately experienced the power of certain
digital marketing and advertising techniques and how they can positively impact
virtually any business.
Douglas also immersed himself in the world of
Facebook Ads, learning all he could about this effective marketing platform to
reach global audiences. He has used Facebook Ads to help numerous local
businesses to succeed, and then expanded his scope to online coaching so he can
help other business owners do the same.
Known as ‘The High-Ticket Client Guy’, Douglas
has already trained and coached over 1,500 entrepreneurs on how to turbo-charge
their earning potential with his proven sales and marketing strategies.
Douglas will never forget his time working
with the people of Papua New Guinea and other countries, many of whom were
lacking basic essentials such as shoes. As a result, Douglas is committed to
giving back to the community and other charities by donating a portion of his
earnings to charitable organizations. There are certain traits that Douglas has
which can help entrepreneurs.
A typical day for Douglas starts at around 5
AM. He likes to grab a cup of black coffee with some MCT oil. He writes down
three goals, three things that he must do that day. “I write down three
affirmations, things that I want for me and my family, and then after that, I
meditate for about 10 minutes and then I go to the gym for about an hour and a
half. I like to do weights and cardio. I come back, shower and then I start my
day,” he said, adding that he does not look at his phone for the first hour
after waking up. His morning is all about setting his mindset, setting his
body, getting health right so that he can take on the day for his family and
for his business.
an entrepreneur
Douglas believes he is blessed to be here at
this point, but everyone has their own journey and things they go through in
life to get to where they want to go. “Your journey is always different from
the person next to you, so I never try to compare myself to anybody else. I just
focus on my core key things that I want to achieve and I just keep executing
and I never quit. That’s what's brought me to where I'm at now,” he said.
to audio books
Douglas is not a huge reader. “That might
surprise a lot of people. There's people that say, a book a day makes the
doctor go away. For me personally, I love books. Don't get me wrong, but I do
my reading differently,” he said.
He listens to audio books when at the gym. So
that hour and a half to two hours that he is in the gym every day, he is
consuming content through books and listening to full books through audio or he
speed reads as well. “The way you do that is I use an app called Book Notes. It
gives me the 15 to 20 minutes summary of 100 page or 1,000 page books within 10
to 15 minutes. It allows me to get all the golden nuggets out of the book. And
if I really, really liked the book note, I'll go and get the Audible and listen
to the full book,” Douglas said.
activity influencing professional success
Physical activity literally is the number one
staple to his success, he believes. “I know this question is specific on
physical activity. I think my wife and other things play a lot of role in that
as well, but physical activity for sure is a key component because like my morning
routine, I'm getting up focusing on myself. Literally the first two hours of
every day is all about me. I'm very selfish with that time because for the rest
of the 18 hours in the day, I need to be able to show up for my daughter, for
my wife and for my business and my employees and obviously my customers and
clients, which are a huge part of this because this wouldn't be anything
without them, right?” he added.
Favorite traffic source for promoting digital campaigns in 2020
YouTube advertising, he said, adding “100 percent without a shadow of a doubt”. Douglas James earlier used Facebook Ads and believes Facebook is not a bad platform. But once he discovered YouTube, he found that his company was able to get people to watch an hour plus of content. “The probability of them taking action on our offer by the end of that hour plus of content was way higher than it was on Facebook because people on Facebook, they're scrolling, they're not necessarily interested. There's good money to make, but on YouTube, it's a search engine. People are searching how to solve a problem. So if you can get in front of them at the right time, you can get them to watch video, they come in with a lot of high buyer intent, they're way more indoctrinated, they're more oriented to your process,” he said.
He added that he was reading a statistic back
in 2016 and it said by 2018, 80 percent of all online sales will come from a
video by 2018. “Now we're in this year, so video is even more important. So if
you're not creating video content and selling through video, you're really
losing the game in this current year. So 100 per cent YouTube ads all the way,”
Douglas James said.
Thanks for reading and watching.
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